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Pirate Bible

Pirate Bible

Pirate Bible

Regular price $29.92 USD
Regular price Sale price $29.92 USD
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47 total reviews

The Bible including both Old and New Testaments, translated into pirate. Book measures 8" x 1.84" x 10" and is 729 pages. Softcover bound book with matte black finish.

3.87 pounds


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Customer Reviews

Based on 47 reviews
Brenda Meyer

loved it!

The Word of God Mutilated and Hacked Apart for a Gimmick

I am shocked anyone would call this a legitimate Bible translation. The holy Scriptures have been twisted and stuffed with the sayings and witticisms of a barbaric and bloody group of sea faring thieves, and we call this "fun"? Can you imagine what William Tyndale, the founder of the English Bible, would say? If, when being burned at the stake, he were told that hundreds of years from then his Lord's words would become fodder for a childish parody? I sincerely hope no new Christian comes across this pitiful representation of sacred writ. Our God and Savior deserves our highest praise and reverence, not a careless and cavalier acknowledgement of His beautiful Word.

Jimmy Donaldson
The Best!

This is one of the best books I've ever gotten!

William Powell

Excellent idea, enjoy!

Arrrrrg! Mighty Fine Bible it is Mateys!

Ne'er will ye find such a wonderful Book o Books anywhere on the Seven Seas! It will make ye a soundin' smart to yer mates an' kin. Also it'll 'elp ye find treasure in God's Word that there may 'ave been 'idden from ye fer many years. Be like a treasure map it shall brin' the Bible to life if yours 'as becomin' dusty from lack o' use. Gather yer mates around the fire, fill yer cisterns with non-alcoholic rum an' startin' drinkin' from the wise words o' the Cap'n! Kaptain Karl Bastian